We stayed the Night in Lynchburg and got up early in the morning to Take Elder Bolan to the drop point. After we gave our farewells Elder Stucki and I went back and crashed for a few more hours (we had to have them at the drop at 4am). When we got up we decided that their apartment needed a major overhaul cleaning so I spent nearly 6 hours in the kitchen going over floors, walls, appliances, organizing cupboards and sanitizing everything in sight. Just so you know - I'm not a clean freak but when I see a dirty space and I feel the need to clean I get a little crazy about it.
Finally the Transfer train came in and we picked up my new companion Elder Wilder. He's is as awesome as he sounds, its true. We've been having a great time thus far. I have more in common with him than I have anyone else up to this point so we've been talking alot and quoting music and movies that we used to know back home. Even more exciting is that he's not afraid to get out there and talk to people! We also had our first lesson last night and I felt we did a good job of backing each other up and filling in where the other left off. I'm very excited to get some good work down this transfer and find out what else the Lord has in store for keeping me here. Elder Wilder is loving the area thus far. He's been in more urban area's and was shocked to see how far away houses were and got really excited to see all the fields of Tobacco. He wants to get a service job harvesting Tobacco plants haha.
Lets see, other than that we've just been getting back to regular work. Teaching him the area and meeting lots of people. Oh! President Fowler asked us if we would set up the satilite Broadcast at church for the General Relief Society meeting. Seeing as we didn't have anything left to do at that time we decided to watch it. First time I'd seen it but I really loved Elder Uchtdorfs message about the "Forget me nots" I think it was a great talk that applies to everyone. Check it out!
Well that seems to be all for the moment. OH WAIT. GENERAL CONFERENCE IS ON NEXT WEEK! Its that time again to listen to a Prophets Voice. Its probably one of the most exciting times of the year for missionaries. I hope everyone gets a chance to sit down and watch a least one session.
Its about time for me to get running now.
Love you all Much and Can't wait to get your Mail
Elder Sunada